Monday, September 6, 2010

About was The Oklahoma City Bombing The Work of An American Terorist Organizaiton That Still Poses A Threat

Was The Oklahoma City Bombing The Work of An American Terorist Organizaiton That Still Poses A Threat?
Was the Oklahoma City Bombing carried out by an American Terrorist orgnaizaiton that is still in existence?
Current Events - 5 Answers
People's Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Answer 1 :
nope just the two who wre tried an convicted.
Answer 2 :
no they were done by an american fanatic he wasnt part of any group. There are organizations out there that are american born that do pose a threat but at various levels, most not severe but some are. I am sure they are being monitored.
Answer 3 :
Not that I have heard of. Just two good o'l boys.
Answer 4 :
I think it's quite disturbing McVeigh gave up his appeal of his death sentence the day it became apparent Gore lost the election to Bush. I think the government did cover up other stuff that went on, I think Nichols did meet with bad folks in teh Phillipines, I don't think McVeigh single handedly loaded that truck in two hours with 900 lbs. explosives and wired it up that morning, they proved he couldn't make the explosives, I think McVeigh visited all those other suspicious right wing groups, and made it well known, to throw off the investigation. A pilot with a Warthog going AWOL and crashing into a mountain on a deadheading for where McVeigh was to appear in court for sentencing, I don't think wa scoincidence. And I think Sandy berger destroyed more evidence from the National Archives than we or the 9/11 commission will ever know, that hides how much they knew or bungled. And the current administration is lying to us about what is going on now, "don't panic", "ismail axe" is just code for ask the mailman? not jihad, just like the OC bombing, not jihad, just like the Salt Lake City mall shooting, not jihad....
Answer 5 :
I think that with the death of McVeigh, went with him a lot of the truth. At this point, there are lots of theories, but nothing solid.
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