Tuesday, April 6, 2010

About student or professor or who have information about cheap work for dental work in Oklahoma city

Student or professor or who have information about cheap work for dental work in Oklahoma city.?
One of my sister front teeth chip off and it doesn't look attractive. She doesn't have health insurance so, I am looking for student or any who know where I can have it done cheap. Her Birthday is coming up this October 26 so, It would be a good gift for her and to see her smile comfortably. Any answer would be appreciated, thanks.
Dental - 1 Answers
People's Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Answer 1 :
The University of Oklahoma School of Dentistry accepts patients and usually charges little to sometimes NOTHING for dental care and treatment. Here is the link...click "become a patient." http://dentistry.ouhsc.edu/ I am not from Oklahoma but was involved with treatment at a Dental School in my home state and care and treatment in school settings has to be top-notch and the students work under direct supervision of a Professor/Board Certified Dentist. I think this would be your sister's best option for cheap dental treatment.
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